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When was PyroGenesis founded?

Predecessors companies were founded in 1991.

Where is PyroGenesis incorporated?

PyroGenesis is incorporated in Canada.

Who are the members of PyroGenesis’ Board of Directors?

You can view our Board of Directors by visiting the “Board of Directors” section of our website.

Who are the members of PyroGenesis’ management team?

You can view our management team by visiting the “Management Team” section of our website.

How many employees does PyroGenesis have?

As of May 13, 2024, we employed a total of 108 employees.

When is PyroGenesis’ fiscal year-end?

December 31st.

Who is PyroGenesis' independent registered public accounting firm?

As of May 13, 2024, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP is PyroGenesis’ independent registered public accounting firm.

When did PyroGenesis go public?

PyroGenesis went public in March, 2011.

On which exchange is PyroGenesis listed and what is the ticker symbol?

PyroGenesis is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: PYR), OTC Markets Group (OTCQX: PYRGF) and Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FRA: 8PY)

Who is PyroGenesis’ transfer agent?

PyroGenesis’ transfer agent is TSX Trust.

How can I get a copy of your Annual Report or any other investor materials?

Quarterly & Annual Reports and other investor materials, when available, can be found in “Financial Reports” in the Investors section of our corporate website. Additionally, all filings can be accessed directly from SEDAR at

Where can I find recent PyroGenesis’ New Releases?

You can view our recent News Releases by visiting the “News Release” section in the “Investor” tab of our website.

Who can I contact if I am a member of the media?

For media inquiries, please contact us through our General Inquiries form in the “Contact us” section.

How do I contact Investor Relations with a question or request?

For investor related questions, please visit our “Contact IR” section.

How can I sign up to receive PyroGenesis’ press releases and other company information?

Please visit the “Email alerts” page of the “Investor Relations” section of our corporate website and fill out our web form to be added to our distribution list.